7 Healthy Seeds You Should Add To Your Diet


Why You Should Eat These Seeds More Often

Eating seeds for improving or maintaining a healthy body is one of the most underrated practices in the world. According to research, as much as fruits and vegetables are in high demand in terms of supplying nutrients, seeds are also up to the task. They are packed with a little bit of almost every nutrient, which makes them capable enough to meet part of your daily nutrient requirement.

In addition, since they contain properties required for a plant to grow, do you not think that this makes them highly nutritious? Seeds are also not just known for their high nutritional profile. They are also tasty, delicious, and filling. Have you tried pomegranate seeds? The tastiness of the pomegranate seeds is not overhyped. Just like pomegranate seeds, other seeds have their own various and unique tastes.

There are different types of seeds, and each of them is rich with unique nutrients that are capable of maintaining your health. Studies have shown that most seeds are packed with the following properties;

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Polyunsaturated fats
  • Healthy monounsaturated fats
  • Antioxidants

To further break down the general nutritional profile of seeds, some vitamins, and minerals packed within these natural goodnesses include;

Magnesium; is one of the minerals we always do not get enough of, especially in diets. It is responsible for the protection of bowel and brain health. It keeps these parts of the body hydrated all day long.

Phosphorus; phosphorus plays important roles in the body, some of which include the elimination of waste from the body and the repairing of the cells.

Iron; is a mineral that is responsible for promoting or improving the transportation of oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Calcium; is an essential mineral for the protection and boosting of bone health.

With this kind of nutritional profile, seeds can help in the management and regulation of blood pressure. They can also control your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. All of this goodness in one thing!

Also, seeds are versatile and can be eaten on the go, at work, or at home. They are also easy to incorporate into diets. If you need to manage your weight, eat seeds. If you need a natural blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol regulator, please eat seeds and let your body thank you.

This article is packed with healthy and easily available seeds that you can incorporate into your diet seamlessly. In addition, there will be a breakdown of the nutritional content of each seed mentioned in this article and how they can affect your health positively.

Healthy Seeds You Should Consume


Flaxseeds are packed with fiber and omega 3 fatty acids, both of which are essential in the maintenance of bowel health and heart health, respectively. Experts have advised that it is best to consume soaked and ground flaxseeds, as this will help the body digest its other nutrients and allow its fiber to function properly.

Flaxseeds are packed with other nutrients like protein, manganese, thiamine, monounsaturated fat, magnesium, and calories. They are also packed with antioxidants that can protect the cells in your body by preventing them from oxidative damage, a condition mostly caused by stress or sickness-induced inflammation.

As a result of this high nutritional profile, flaxseeds are capable of inducing cancer growth, especially in women with high chances of developing breast cancer. It can also help regulate blood pressure and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are healthy seeds that are packed with magnesium. Unfortunately, most people do not get up to the required daily intake value of magnesium, and this could be dangerous. However, if you need to top your magnesium level, opt-in for pumpkin seeds as they have high magnesium levels.

Apart from getting enough magnesium in your body, it can also help you boost and maintain great prostrate health. This is due to their phytosterols contents. Since time immemorial, some people in some parts of the world have used pumpkin seeds as natural remedies for conditions like enlarged prostate.

Pumpkin seeds are not just nutritious and healthy. They are also tasty. You can ground them and add them to smoothies and yogurts. You can also eat them baked or roasted.

Hemp Seeds

You may be wondering how hemp seeds can impact your health positively when the internet is filled with content about how the hemp plant and all that it produces and stands for is dangerous to the health, thereby causing it to be illegal and banned in many countries of the word. Speaking about hemp, it is the seeds that are being referred to here, and these seeds, if taken in moderate amounts, will rather improve your health than tamper with your wellness and wellbeing as you think they would.

Studies have shown that hemp seeds are packed with vitamin E, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. They are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are popularly known to protect and maintain a healthy heart. To enjoy hemp seeds, you can sprinkle ground hemp seeds on your smoothies and fruit salads.

Chia Seeds

chia seedsChia seed is not an exemption from the list of seeds that can impact health positively. It can be added to cereal and eaten as proper food. Just like the other seeds, chia seeds have a high nutritional profile. Studies showed that 3 teaspoons of chia seeds contain omega 3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, antioxidants, zinc, and magnesium.

Chia seeds have the properties required to inhibit the growth of tumors, reduce oxidative damages that may lead to cell death, regulate blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol and also strengthen the bone to prevent bone health conditions. The best way to consume chia seeds and enjoy them is by adding them to your cereals. In addition, you can also make pudding out of the chia seeds.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds can supply the body with a reasonably high amount of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. These properties help improve health by working hand in hand to eliminate free radicals that can lead to the death of cells and the accumulation of those cells to form tumors that may either be cancerous or not. In addition, oxidative damages occur as a result of severe underlying health conditions like heart diseases, liver, lungs, and kidney diseases.

Since sunflower seeds are packed with high amounts of antioxidants, it is possible that sunflower seeds can help treat and remedy these conditions. Although they may not treat the condition in isolation, however, when they are combined with other seeds, changes to lifestyle and diets, as well as medically prescribed medication, they seem to work better in the management and treatment of the above health conditions.

Pomegranates Seeds

Pomegranates seeds are not just good-looking. They are also tasty and nutritious. They are twice as healthy as their attractive looks. Studies have shown that pomegranate seeds have high antioxidant and vitamin C contents, which make them great remedies for chronic health conditions associated with the vital organs in the body.

Coupled with this, it has a moderate calorie content, which also makes them easy for you to convert into snacks. You can eat them independently or blend them into your smoothies. Either way, they will not only give you a great taste, but they will also improve your health along the line.


Most people mistake quinoa for whole grains. This is because of how it presents. However, nutritional experts believe that quinoa tops the list of healthy seeds and, in fact, can even be considered to be the healthiest of all other seeds. This is because it has a wealth of fiber, amino acids, protein, magnesium, and antioxidants.

herbsThey also suggest that you should add it to your diet if you are looking to lose weight, as it contains properties that burn calories rapidly. Quinoa is not just healthy. It is also tasty nutritious and can be eaten as real food. What is more? You have both seeds and food packed within quinoa. That’s a win-win for you.


Fruits and vegetables are beneficial for you, but seeds are almost twice healthy. Thus when you buy fruits and vegetables, try to get one or more of the healthy seeds mentioned above. Seeds are rich in health-benefiting properties like antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats.