6 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Naturally

deadly insect

UseĀ One Of These Plants For Repelling Mosquitoes At Home

People who experience mosquito bites can tell the tale. Apart from frustrating sleep out of you at night, they also leave annoying red swellings and spots on your skin after biting you. The height of it is the malaria transmission that occurs after the bite, which can paralyze your daily activities and can land you in the hospital if care is not taken. This is why people fight tooth and nail to make sure they get rid of those blood-sucking insects.

In places where mosquitoes are rampant, people spend heavily on trying to get rid of them. Apart from mosquito nets, different other technological methods like mosquito repellant lamps and chemical insecticide sprays have been devised to get rid of mosquitoes. Although, using nets or mosquito repellant lamps effectively does the job of killing mosquitoes.

However, have you tried going natural? Have you ever thought of herbs and plants that you can grow within your garden that can help you easily send mosquitoes far away from you? When you plant these herbs or plants in your garden, the mosquitoes in your outer and inner space will be eliminated. In addition, plucking the leaves of these plants and placing them by your bedside at night will effectively eliminate those mosquitoes that were able to gain entrance one way or the other into your room.

Mosquito Repelling Plants

One good thing about this natural way of repelling mosquitoes is that it has zero side effects, unlike chemical insecticide sprays that can tamper with your airways and be harmful if they mistakenly come in contact with your body. With these mosquito repellent plants, you just need to place the plants by your bedside every night or crush the leaves and rub the juice on your arms and legs.

Mosquitoes are usually common during the rainy season, around May and October when crops, grasses, and flowers bloom. May to October is also the year when hospitals admit malaria patients in droves. During the rainy season, mosquitoes perch on these crops, weeds, and flowers, waiting for their victims. However, there are some plants that mosquitoes can never perch on because if they do, they will die. These are the plants that will be discussed in this article.

Lavender Plant

Lavender oil and the health benefits you know it for are gotten from the lavender plant, and just like the oil repels mosquitoes, the plant also repels mosquitoes. According to studies, the lavender plant is the most effective of all other mosquito repelling plants. One way this plant kills its victims (mosquitoes) is by blocking their sense of smell, so they cannot perceive that the plant they are about to perch on is a danger zone for them. Thus, upon perching on them, the strong fragrance of the lavender plant kills them.

Fortunately, the lavender plant grows both in and out of season, be it during the rainy season or dry season. Thus, having the lavender plant in your garden and some of its leaves in your room is enough to give you 100% protection from mosquitoes and their painful bites. Apart from repelling mosquitoes from your house, it also adds fragrance both within and outside your house.

Basil Plant

The Basil plant is the next most effective mosquito repelling plant. It has a strong scent that sends mosquitoes far away. In other words, it emits its scent naturally. Thus, due to this, it might not be necessary for you to crush the leaves and rub their juice all over your body. All you ought to do is plant the basil in your garden, especially beside your pools, ponds, or any other form of still water and pluck out some of the leaves and place them in your room every night. With this, mosquitoes will become history.

Spondias dulcisAccording to research, planting basil plants beside still water can prevent mosquito eggs from hatching in that water because the smell from the basil plant is toxic to mosquito larvae and can kill them immediately after they perceive the scent. Unlike the lavender plant, the basil plant thrives only during the rainy season and is not drought-resistant like the lavender plant.

Rosemary Plant

Rosemary plants have been useful plants for humans since time immemorial. Its oil is an effective remedy for declining cognition, and studies even showed that inhaling the oil a few minutes before writing an examination will help students perform better in their examinations.

Also, it is usually recommended for people who have health conditions associated with poor cognitive ability or declining memory. Coupled with this, rosemary is also an amazing food spice. The reason for pointing out these benefits of the rosemary plant is because you planting it in your garden will do more than just repelling mosquitoes.

Speaking about mosquito repellents, the rosemary plant does a fine job. It is packed with natural properties that can repel mosquitoes. One good thing about the rosemary plant is that it can grow both in your garden and in a vase within your house. This means that you can grow it conveniently inside your house rather than plucking some leaves every day from the rosemary plant growing in your garden and placing them by your bedside. All you ought to do is, trim it when necessary and water it regularly. With this, during the rainy and dry seasons, your indoor rosemary plant will still be doing its mosquito repelling job.

Planting rosemary in your garden will not just repel mosquitoes from you. It will also improve your cognition when you consume it in your foods and add awesome flavor to those foods.

Peppermint Plant

Peppermint, just like basil, has and emits a strong scent. This scent is enough to repel mosquitoes. However, it is still advisable to crush the leaves of this plant and rub them on your hands and feet before bed for maximum results. The Peppermint plant is packed with properties that do not just repel mosquitoes.

They also repel other insects and bugs. Thus, plucking some leaves and placing them by your bedside will not only get rid of the mosquitoes in your room, but it will also get rid of other insects and bugs that may be in your home. Apart from repelling mosquitoes, the peppermint plant has numerous health benefits. Thus, growing them in your home makes them more available to you to improve your health.

Citronella Plant

Ever heard of a citronella candle? The scent created when you burn citronella candles is courtesy of the citronella plant. The fragrance from this plant, just like in lavender, is effective enough to get rid of mosquitoes in your space. Although, unlike basil, it grows only during the rainy season, and you might stop enjoying the mosquito benefits of this plant when the rains stop.

However, since mosquitoes thrive more during the rainy season, using a citronella plant that thrives only during the rainy season will help eliminate mosquitoes from your space. In other words, citronella is usually not around the corner during the dry season. Also, mosquitoes naturally also are not usually rampant during the dry season. However, when they come when the rains return, the citronella plant will also return to fight them. This makes you all-year-round mosquito resistant.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm has a thick or strong scent that does not kill mosquitoes but sends them far away from your space. Having them in your garden is a good way to repel mosquitoes from within and outside your home.

Also, plucking some of its leaves and placing them in your room will help repel those mosquitoes that may have managed to gain entrance into your room. Experts have advised that if you do not want a lemon balm invasion in your garden, it is best to plant it in pots.

In addition, the Lemon balm can grow in vases within your home. With this, you do not need to crush the leaves to run the juice on your skin, and you also do not need to place the leaves by your bedside. This is because growing the plant within your home is enough to make your home a danger zone for mosquitoes.


bedroomThe mosquito experience is not a very exciting one. Apart from depriving you of a good night’s sleep with their songs and bites, they can make you sick in the long run. Rather than using chemical insecticide sprays and spending on mosquito repelling lamps, you should use mosquito repelling plants instead because they cost nothing at all. They are 100% natural and have no side effects.