6 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Oil

aloe vera

Is Aloe Vera Oil Beneficial?

You are probably familiar with the aloe vera plant and its various cosmetic and skin-pampering properties. It has become an unavoidable force to reckon with when discussing skincare regimens and beauty treatments. You might have also heard about the aloe vera gel here and there, but are you acquainted with aloe vera oil? Aloe vera oil is made out of a combination of the extracts of aloe vera and a type of oil.

Just like any other product based on aloe extracts, this aloe vera oil specially cares for your hair and your skin. It enriches your skin and cleanses it, giving you an infection-free skin glowing in good health. Aloe vera oil is a competent combatant against skin conditions such as spots, acne, dandruff, scars, and many others. It keeps your hair neat and without infectious parasites such as lice, healing scars, and cuts on your skin.

The History of Aloe Vera Oil

Since the early 19th century, aloe vera has been used as a remedy for various skin and digestive conditions. It was used to relieve people from burns, bruises, and wounds. If the wounds are infected, aloe vera was relied upon to expel the infection and speed up the healing process.

What make aloe vera an ideal natural skin treating plant are its skin and sap. There are some skin-friendly chemical components such as carbohydrates, glycosides, proteins, and anthraquinones contained in the green skin and sap of the aloe vera plant. Sometimes, the aloe vera plant is mixed with other things such as water, honey, wine, milk, and blended to produce substances for medical purposes. Aloe vera oil is a product of aloe vera extracts and essential oils or mineral oils.

Some types of oils you can mix with aloe vera extracts include olive oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, jojoba oil, mineral oil, and any other carrier oil. The blended aloe vera flesh and sap must be completely dissolved in the oil by heating the mixture briefly.

6 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Oil

You already know that aloe vera is an effective healing agent, this is because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Aloe vera oil is also rich in phytochemicals and glucomannans. Glucomannans are compounds that are basically growth stimulants; so they influence the synthesis and production of collagen which is a very important part of hair growth. Collagen also contributes to the repair of skin damage. The vitamins and minerals contained in aloe vera oil also maintain healthy skin.

Skin Lightening

The picture of a modelAloe vera oil functions as a skin-lightening agent, you can use it to make your skin lighter in complexion. The aloe vera plant contains a compound called aloesin, and it affects the tone of your skin by interfering with the amount of melanin it produces. Aloe vera oil controls the melanin level of your skin, and this further prevents the darkening of your skin.

Asides preventing excess melanin production, aloe vera oil blocks out UV rays. When you expose your skin to the rays of the sun for too long, you may start developing dark spots on your skin. Mixtures rich in aloesin, such as aloe vera oil, help to reduce the surfacing of these spots. So, you can benefit from the skin-lightening effects of aloe vera oil — aloe vera extracts blended with olive oil, coconut oil, or any other type of essential oil.

Anti-Aging Solution and Hydration

Aloe vera oil can keep your skin hydrated for longer periods; this then prevents your skin from becoming dry and coarse. If your skin is usually dry, lines and wrinkles will easily appear on it. This dryness makes your skin sensitive because the pores of your skin are shrunken. Aloe vera oil prevents skin dryness. The aloe vera plant has mucopolysaccharides which maintain the moisture on your skin by trapping the moisture in. It also promotes the production of elastic fibers and collagen which are responsible for maintaining a firmer and younger skin. Using aloe vera oil helps you to slow down the aging process of your skin and prevents it from becoming excessively sensitive.

Mosquito Repellent and Moisturizer

Aloe vera oil can serve you as a mosquito repellent when the mixture is made of aloe vera extracts and olive oil. It prevents mosquito bites on the skin it has been applied to.

You can keep a smoother skin that is protected from insect bites and prevent the occurrence of diseases such as dengue and malaria caused by them at the same time. You only need to make a mixture of aloe vera extracts and olive oil in equal proportions and you get your protective skin nourishment.

Removal of Stretch Marks

Aloe vera oil can help you clear those stretch marks all over your body. You may be familiar with these long scars on your skin with a sort of underlying thinning that appear during pregnancy or after you gain a noticeable change in body weight. Stretch marks, also known as striae, can also surface on your skin after an extended period of skin-stretching activities, and they sometimes manage to hurt your self-esteem. Some people use steroid treatments to temporarily erase stretch marks, but it is risky.

Aloe vera oil is a safe alternative remedy for stretch marks. Blending aloe vera gel and sweet almond oil should be able to give you a solution for the redness and itches of the stretch marks. It curbs the extension of the marks from one part of your body to other parts. You should favor aloe vera oil over other synthetic drugs and creams for safe and effective erasure of striae.

Boosts Hair Growth

A picture of a woman with long, beautiful hairAloe vera has some components which are beneficial to your hair; this is why there are a number of aloe vera based hair care products on the cosmetics market today. Aloe vera leaves, pulp and oil are usually applied to dry scalps for hair treatments of all kinds.

To prepare aloe vera oil for hair treatment, you will need a couple of freshly cut aloe vera leaves and any essential oil of your choice. Boil the aloe vera leaves and massage your scalp with the cool liquid and any oil.

If you consistently rub this aloe vera oil into your hair, it will be rid of dandruff and other infections of the hair. Aloe vera oil also maintains the pH level of your hair scalp. By rejuvenating and moisturizing your hair, aloe vera oil will reduce hair loss and improve hair growth.

Anti-Acne Agent

Another aloe vera oil benefit is its anti-acne effect on your skin. Aloe vera oil made from a mixture of ocimum oil and aloe vera extracts has been tested for its ability to lessen the amount of acne lesions on your skin. So, using this aloe vera oil — which is also called Ocimum gratissimum oil — can clear up over 50% of the acne on your skin in two weeks. This oil is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in nature; it can handle your skin even when it is highly inflamed.

You can also make aloe vera oil from aloe extracts and tea tree oil for your skin. Tea tree oil works against the development of acne by killing off bacteria that cause acne and reducing the secretion of sebum. This mixture will improve the healing factor of your skin and unclog the pores of your skin affected by acne.