5 Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Intestinal Worms

How to treat intestinal worm infestation at home

Ever Had Intestinal Worm Infestation?

Intestinal worm infestation can be a daunting experience for people who have had the experience, they can tell how difficult it is to get rid of them. They are mostly located in the gastrointestinal tract. They pin themselves to the intestinal wall and feed off the food that gets to your gastrointestinal tract thereby depriving your body of the necessary food and nutrients it needs to carry out its function while also biting deep into your intestinal walls and causing you severe pain and discomfort.

Although some over-the-counter medications have proven to be effective in treating different intestinal worms, these over-the-counter medications sometimes come with side effects that can in most cases be severe and in other cases be mild, however adopting natural remedies can help improve the condition and kill the worms without leaving any side effects.

Different factors have been identified to cause the infestation of the gastrointestinal tract by intestinal worms. Some of these could include eating raw foods, eating contaminated foods, poorly cooked foods, bad water, and a weak immune system that cannot fight off the infection. This is why it is important to ensure that whatever you want to ingest, be it food or water is properly monitored to ensure that it does not contaminated in any form. Ensure that every food is properly cooked, especially meats as they have been discovered to be the highest cause of intestinal worm infestation. Coupled with this, maintaining good hygiene can also go a long way in the prevention of intestinal worm infestation.

Most cases of intestinal worm infestation occur in children this is because they tend to be more exposed to picking things and eating them and also not maintaining good hygiene. For instance, washing of hands before eating or picking things off surfaces and putting them in their mouth. All of these factors have been discovered to trigger intestinal worm infestation. If you have young children and infants you should monitor what they eat and help them maintain good hygiene.

Some of the classic symptoms of intestinal worm infestation include diarrhea, mild tiredness, unexplained weight loss, poor absorption of food, passing worm during excretion, nausea, gas, dehydration, irritation, dysentery, stomach aches, and itchy anus. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to begin treatment immediately and also carry your doctor along.

Already, medical experts have suggested that deworming at least 3  times a year would help prevent intestinal worm infestation and one of the best ways to deworm is by using natural remedies.

Different treatment methods have been identified for both mild and severe cases of intestinal worm infestation. However natural remedies are proven to be one of the best. This is because they come with no side effects and they tackle the problem at the roots. If you are currently experiencing intestinal worm infestation you should consider one of the natural remedies that will be listed in the other parts of this article.

However, before adopting any of these natural remedies it is best to consult your doctor first to prevent complications of your symptoms. If after about 2 days of using the natural remedies your condition does not improve it is best to report back to the hospital for proper medical attention.

Natural Remedies for Intestinal Worm Infestation


Turmeric is mostly known for its culinary uses. However, it has proven to be useful in the medicinal world as well because it is packed with numerous medicinal and natural properties that can improve health in many ways. In the case of eliminating intestinal worm infestation turmeric is packed with antimicrobial properties that help make the elimination of intestinal worms easier.

These properties coupled with other medicinal properties get rid of the worms and also eliminate the symptoms that come with an intestinal worm infestation.

All you need to do is blend some dry turmeric into powder and sprinkle some of the powder in your smoothies, your yogurt, or your tea depending on how you can enjoy it. You can repeat this two times in one day for 2 days until you begin to notice improvements in your symptoms. 


According to research, eating  coconut can help prevent and treat intestinal worm infestation by a whopping 78%. This is because coconut has been discovered to be a rich source of antimicrobial properties that can help eliminate intestinal worm infestation and stop the activity of the worms in your intestine.

Studies have shown that you can either eat the coconut  itself or consume coconut oil orally to get rid of intestinal worm infestation. Whatever method you adopt is effective for improving your symptoms.

Thus, rather than jumping on over-the-counter medications for your intestinal worm infestation you can easily buy a coconut and eat it to get rid of your intestinal worm infestation. However, if your symptoms do not improve after 24 hours or 48 hours of eating the coconut, you should either adopt a different natural remedy or speak with your doctor about it.


Garlic, just like turmeric, is mostly used for culinary purposes. However it is also a rich source of natural properties, and this makes it effective in the prevention and treatment of different health conditions.

According to research, garlic has high amounts of antifungal properties and other natural properties that have proven to be effective in eliminating intestinal worms and relieving the discomfort that comes with an intestinal worm infestation.

More studies carried out on garlic and its tendency of treating intestinal worm infestation showed that garlic is also important for preventing the infestation in the first place. Just like turmeric, all that you need to do is either blend some dry garlic cloves and add to your smoothies and yogurt or chew about two cloves of garlic per day to get rid of intestinal worm infestation.


Wormwood is a herb that is packed with natural compounds and medicinal compounds that can help improve different health conditions. People who use wormwood for the treatment of their health conditions reported a significant improvement in their condition after about 48 hours of consuming the herb. Studies have also shown that wormwood has promising results in the elimination of intestinal worms.

Of all the natural remedies recommended for combating intestinal worm infestation, wormwood has been discovered to be one of the best and it has been in use since ancient times for this purpose. In other words, whenever you experience any of the symptoms of intestinal worm infestation you should consider getting yourself a wormwood herb.

You can add some drops of olive oil to the wormwood herb before drinking it. This will help speed up the worm elimination process and heal the gastrointestinal walls faster. 

Olive oil

Olive oil just like coconut oil is another natural oil that can help improve intestinal worm infestation symptoms significantly. Adding olive oil to your meals or consuming it orally can eliminate over 67% of the population of worms in your intestine.

A survey carried out on people who used olive oil for the prevention and treatment of intestinal worm infestation showed that they saw improvements after taking olive oil about 2 to 3 times.

You can add olive oil to smoothies, cook with it or add it to yogurts. 


Neem leaves over the decades have proven to be effective herbal remedies for different health conditions. It is packed with numerous health benefits and properties that can both help you maintain a healthy body and also preserve your organs.

Some properties in neem leaves have also been discovered to benefit skin and hair health positively. This is why most cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries make neem leaves their major ingredient when producing their skin, hair, and medical products.

For worm infestation, making a tea out of neem leaves can help improve your symptoms and kill intestinal worms. 

If after taking neem leaves herbs your symptoms do not improve you should consult your doctor immediately for professional medical attention.


Studies have shown that deworming is important and doing this about 3 to 4 times a year is the best way to prevent worm infestation. Other preventive measures can now follow, some of which include maintaining good hygiene. However, if you are caught in the web of intestinal worm infestation, you can adopt any of the above-listed natural remedies to improve your symptoms and stop the activities of the worms.