Which Food Allergy Are You Suffering From?
Of all the allergies in the world, food allergies are still the most common. They affect a higher percentage of people compared to other allergies. According to research, food 8% of children suffer from food allergies, and about 5% of adults suffer the same fate as well.
Any food is capable of causing a food allergy. However, a list of 8 food has been identified to be culprits in causing allergies or worsening allergies.
This article elaborates on the most common food allergies, what their causes are people who are at the risk of suffering from the allergies.
What is a Food Allergy?
Food allergy occurs when the eating of a particular food causes an abnormal response in the body. When this occurs every time after consuming a particular food, then you can be said to be allergic to that food.
The reason for the abnormal response of the immune system to the food is as a result of the immune system getting confused at which a particular food type, taking that food to be a harmful or foreign body and in order to defend the body, it launches attach on that food. Hence the abnormal response.
People who are suffering from food allergies, no matter how little their exposure to such allergic foods is, will experience severe allergic reactions.
Symptoms of allergies may begin to occur a few minutes or hours after exposure to the food. Some of the symptoms that such an individual who is allergic to a particular food can experience include;
- Hives
- Low blood pressure
- Difficulty breathing
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Itchy rashes
Some symptoms like rashes, shortness of breath, swellings, and so on can begin to surface almost immediately. However, they might not be fatal. Although, in some cases, symptoms can lead to anaphylaxis. So e others could be life-threatening and fatal.
Food Intolerances
Food intolerances are quite different from food allergies. Unlike food allergies, food intolerances have nothing to do with the immune system or immune response. Although they might tamper with the quality of your life, they are not fatal and cannot be life-threatening.
The following are the most common 5 food allergies;
Cow Milk
Infants and young children are mostly victims of this allergy. This can occur in young children or infants who, in one way or the other, got exposed to milk before they were 6 months old. Cow milk allergy is an allergy that is very common among young children and infants. It affects up to 8% of infants and young children.
However, this allergy can only last for a while as many children outgrow it, especially when they turn 3. This is why this kind of allergy rarely occurs in adults.
Children or adults who are allergic to cow milk and, in one way or the other, get exposed to cow milk may begin to experience symptoms within 10 to 30 minutes of exposure. Some of these symptoms may include diarrhea, rashes, vomiting, and hives.
Medical experts still find some milk allergies hard to diagnose. This is due to the reality that symptoms that surface suggests or point only towards intolerance. This, however, leaves everyone confused. It also becomes harder to diagnose because there is no blood test to pinpoint whether a person’s condition is a milk allergy or milk intolerance.
When you are sure that you are allergic to cow milk, all you need to do is avoid it and avoid every other food that contains cow milk. Some of hear foods might include;
- Cheese
- Milk
- Butter
- Milk powder
- Margarine
- Yogurt
Women who are breastfeeding infants with milk allergies have to stop eating milk themselves. Also, children under 6 months old should not be given cow milk, and those over 6 months old who have shown symptoms of milk allergy can have their foods changed to a healthier diet free from milk.
Next on the list of the most prevalent food allergies is eggs. Just like cow milk allergies, children are also the most affected by egg allergies. Although they outgrow this allergy as well, however, this time, not at 3 years of age, but at 16. This makes the percentage of people who are allergic to eggs slightly higher than people allergic to cow milk.
Some of the indications of egg allergies include;
- Hives and rashes
- Stomach ache
- Difficult breathing
- Anaphylaxis, although on rare occasions
Research has explicated that it is possible for you to be allergic to egg whites alone and be okay with the yolk, and vice versa. This is because the kind of protein in both the egg whites and the egg yolks differ. However, egg-white allergies are the most common because the protein that causes allergies the most in eggs is packed in the egg whites.
Just like every other allergy, treating egg allergy involves eliminating eggs from your diet. Although you might not have to completely eliminate eggs from your foods, studies showed that heating eggs can cause a change to the shape of that protein in eggs that trigger allergic reactions. Thereby making your body identify the protein as healthy rather than harmful.

Eaten heated eggs can reduce the impact of the allergy-causing proteins in eggs and can even help you quickly outgrow the allergy.
The effects of eating eggs despite having allergies can be dangerous to your health. This is why it is important to consult your doctor first before consuming food that contains eggs.
Tree Nuts
Tree nuts are an allergic reaction that occurs from the eating of seeds and nuts that come from trees. Although, it is not as natural as other food allergies. However, it affects a large population of people. Some of the nuts that can cause allergic reactions to include;
- Cashews
- Brazil nuts
- Pistachios
- Almonds
- Macadamia nuts
- Walnuts
- Pine nuts
People with this allergy would always experience severe reactions when they eat any of these nuts or eat anything made from any of the above-mentioned nuts. They are advised to avoid all nuts and seeds if they experience allergic reactions after eating one or two of these nuts. This is because, with time, their bodies get used to rejecting all kinds of nuts, and this comes with severe symptoms and discomfort. Actually, it is quite easy to avoid all nuts than handpicking with uncertainty which one you are allergic to.
According to research, up to 50% anaphylaxis related deaths are caused by but allergies. For this reason, people who suffer from this allergy are expected to carry epi-pens along with them where ever they go. This would help them inject adrenalin into their blood whenever they experience allergic symptoms.
Just like nuts tree allergies, peanut allergies can cause allergic reactions, which can range from mild to severely fatal. Studies have shown that most people who are allergic to tree nuts are also allergic to peanuts. Although, there is no known cause for what exactly triggers peanut allergy. However, people who have a family history of this allergy are at higher risk of suffering from this allergy. Also, breastfeeding mothers who eat peanuts can gradually introduce peanuts to the suckling child’s food, leading to allergic reactions for that child.
Peanuts allergy affects about 4 to 8% of children in the world and about 1 to 2% of children in the world.
One of the most dependable approaches to avoid this allergy is by avoiding its trigger, which is peanut. Also, early introduction of children to tiny amounts of peanuts can help reduce their body’s sensitivity and allergic reactions to peanuts.
Shellfish Allergy
Shellfish allergy occurs when the body fights against the protein in shellfish, thinking they are harmful foreign bodies. Some examples of shellfish include;
- Squid
- Prawns
- Lobsters
- Shrimp
- Scallops
The major protein in these shellfishes that cause allergic reactions in people is known as the tropomyosin protein. The reactions or symptoms of shellfish allergy come almost immediately after a person who is allergic to shellfish is exposed to any shellfish.
Medical experts still find it difficult to distinguish between shellfish allergies and seafood contamination. This is because the symptoms of contaminated seafood are similar to the symptoms of shellfish allergy. These symptoms include vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.
Since there are no remedies for shellfish allergies, people with this condition would have to completely stay away from shellfish. Unfortunately, even the vapor from cooking shellfish can trigger allergic reactions in people with shellfish allergies.
In conclusion, try to identify which food you are allergic to and avoid them as much as you can.