16 Natural Ways to Boost Libido

A picture of a couple

What Is Libido?

Libido, a measure of sexual desire, is a necessary part of adult life. Libido is the term used to describe sex drive. There is no standard unit of measuring libido numerically, however, there are simply low libido and high libido. A number of people are particular about their sexuality, hence they turn to all sorts of medications and practices to achieve their desired libido. But why worry? There are natural ways to increase libido; let`s see some of them.

16 Natural Ways to Increase Your Libido

Eat Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which is a micromineral required for the production of testosterone and the maintenance of prostate health. Selenium is required for the production of co-enzymes, and it acts as a catalyst to speed up synthesis. What`s more? It aids detoxification in the liver and promotes the excretion and recycling of cholesterol, hence higher testosterone.

Meditate Regularly

Meditation is an effective stress management technique that helps increase libido. Take out 10-20 minutes each day to meditate, and watch how better you`ll perform in bed.

Get Sufficient Sleep

Insufficient sleep has adverse effects on libido. This is because it causes energy loss and decreases testosterone levels. Energy loss decreases sex drive, and low testosterone levels can be a barrier to healthy sex life, as testosterone is the hormone that determines sex drive. To increase your libido, try getting sufficient sleep.

Lift Weights

Men benefit much in their sexual health by lifting weights. Your resistance improves when you lift weights, and this enhances testosterone levels and impacts libido.

Eat Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a popular sexual food. It contains epicatechin, a potent antioxidant compound that increases nitric oxide synthesis, which in turn ensures males have stronger erections, while females have improved clitoral blood flow. Another way it increases libido is by managing stress.

Eat Certain Fruits

A picture showing various fruitsFruits such as bananas, watermelon, peaches, and avocado contain vitamins and minerals that increase blood flow to the genitals, hence promote a healthy sex life.

Lose Some Weight

Excess weight, in men especially, affects libido. Excess fat affects testosterone levels, and it is evident in erection strength and libido.

Drink Red Wine

Red wine is rich in resveratrol, an antioxidant that prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, hence, gives higher levels of testosterone. This boosts libido.

Eat Healthy Fats

Fats aid the production of sex hormones, especially testosterone. Low-fat consumption may mean low production of sex hormones, hence low libido. Try obtaining fats from dairy, fatty fish, beef, and avocados. Saturated fat, in particular, enhances hormone synthesis.

Get More Sunlight

Exposure to sunlight helps you get some vitamin D which is required for testosterone production. Get at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day. You may take some vitamin D supplements during the winter months.

Boost your Self-Confidence

Your mindset towards your body affects how you relate sexually. Some people have a poor image of themselves for various reasons such as their weight, shape, height, and even organ size. Appreciate yourself better, and focus on your attributes, not your flaws. This will boost your libido and enhance your sexual health.

Do Some Foreplay

You can enhance your sexual experience by engaging in prolonged foreplay before sex. Spend some time touching, cuddling, kissing, and doing whatever else stimulates you and your partner.

Try Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies such as maca, Tribulus, ginseng, gingko, and many others are effective at improving sexual functions. However, be sure to speak with your doctor before using any herb for improving your sexual health.

Try Sex Therapy

Sexual issues can be complex, as there are physical and psychological angles to it. There are people who need sex therapies in order to boost their libido. Experiences such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem may be responsible for low libido, hence the need for therapy.
In addition to therapies such as counseling sessions, meditations focused on cognitive behavior are also helpful.

Keep your Relationship in Check

Unresolved arguments may affect the sexual life of a couple. Communication is essential for intimacy, hence increased libido. Ensure that you settle issues with your partner as soon as possible.

Quit Smoking

A picture of someone smokingSmoking has a negative impact on the cardiovascular system, and this impairs sexual functioning. It reduces energy levels, hence decreases sex drive.

5 Medications that Cause Low Libido

There are some medications which have low libido as one of their side effects. Let`s take a look.

Baldness Drugs

These are medications which men use to prevent hair loss. Such drugs reduce DHT, a hormone responsible for shrinking hair. Some have side effects such as reducing libido and even causing impotence.  Sadly, the libido issue may linger even after one stops taking the medication.

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana, which is used to treat nausea, pain, and some other conditions may weaken libido and sexual performance in men.

Anti-Seizure Drugs

Anti-seizure drugs work by preventing impulses from traveling through the nerve cells. Because they reduce the intensity of nerve impulses, they may also reduce pleasurable sensations that come from sexual contact.

Birth Control Pills

Studies show that oral contraceptives decrease levels of sex hormone, hence cause low libido.


These painkillers may lower testosterone levels, hence affect libido.

20 Interesting Sex Facts

  • The male libido exists in two areas of the brain: the cerebral cortex and the limbic system. They are vital to a man`s sex drive.
  • The cerebral cortex is the gray matter that constitutes the outer layer of the brain. It is responsible for thought processes. During arousal, signals move from the cerebral cortex to other parts of the brain and nerves, hence heart rate speeds up, then blood flows to the genitals, which causes an erection.
  • The limbic system includes some parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and some others. The limbic system is responsible for motivation, emotions, and sex drive.
  • Testosterone is responsible for the development of male sex organs, sperm production, deepening of the voice in puberty, growth of body hair, bone mass and muscle development.
  • Testosterone is higher in the morning and lowers at night.
  • The word “clitoris”, in Greek, means “divine and goddess-like.”
  • Some studies claim that married people are more likely to masturbate than singles.
  • Ithyphallophobia is the fear of seeing, having, or even thinking about an erection.
  • Upper Paleolithic art as far back as 30,000 years ago depicts people using dildos for sexual pleasure.
  • A teaspoon of semen contains five calories.
  • The average speed of sperm during ejaculation is 28 mph.
  • Some people orgasm while working out, due to repetitious core movement.
  • Some women orgasm through nipple stimulation. It`s called “nipplegasm”.
  • The average male orgasm lasts six seconds, while the average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds.
  • Studies show that women who take hormonal contraceptives are more attracted to men who have less physical masculine characteristics, and with lower testosterone levels. However, women desire overt masculine traits during their fertile times.
  • The average woman can reach orgasm in about four minutes through masturbation, while through intercourse, it may take her 20 minutes.
  • The Ancient Egyptians used dried crocodile dung as a contraceptive because it contains spermicidal properties which are similar to those used on condoms.
  • Sex releases tension, hence restricts blood vessels in the brain, which in turn cures a headache.
  • The clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings, which doubles the amount in the penis.
  • A person who suffers low libido may need to see a doctor if there are additional symptoms such as high blood pressure, pain or if the condition occurs after surgery or after starting a medication.