Why Are you Dizzy After Sex?
Dizziness after sex can be totally normal, as it could be due to thirst, overexertion, or hunger. However, when it gets severe and frequent, then it may just be indicating an underlying health problem. Let`s discuss some of the possible causes of dizziness after sex and give tips on treating and preventing it. Don`t get dizzy just yet.
13 Reasons People Get Dizzy After Sex
Having sex when hungry can make you dizzy. What usually happens at such times is that the sex distracts you from the hunger, making you feel like you`re no longer hungry, but still affects you. Frequent hunger and dizziness can also be a symptom of diabetes, so be sure to see your doctor if this persists.
Dehydration can cause a person’s blood pressure to drop, and as a result, make them dizzy, weak, and fatigued. To avoid getting dehydrated, you’re advised to drink enough fluids before sex.
Changes in Breathing
Sexual arousal can make people breathe more rapidly and deeply than usual, and could lead to hyperventilation, which is a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. People who suffer hyperventilation usually have symptoms such as dizziness, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, anxiety, fainting, numbness, or tingling in the hands or feet. To ease the effects of hyperventilation, sufferers are advised to breathe slowly and deeply. Those who experiencing anxiety or panic attacks may find it difficult to breathe deeply.
Changes in Posture or Sex Position
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is one of the common conditions that make the heart rate to increase sharply when people change positions or stand up too quickly. An increased heart rate may cause dizziness and fainting. Sufferers of POTS may also experience chest pain, nausea, heart palpitations, and tremors.
Hormonal Swings
Sex leads to a release of hormones and neurotransmitters, and as a result, some people have temporary feelings of intense euphoria that could make them dizzy. Some other people don`t get dizzy until their body returns to its normal state. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters that make people feel happy and motivated during sex. People who experience a dopamine rush during sex may also experience dizziness.
There are people who experience vertigo after sex. Vertigo is a type of dizziness that makes sufferers feel like they are spinning. They may also experience loss of balance, nausea, and vomiting. People who experience vertigo after sex may do so at other times too, probably when exercising or standing suddenly.
Heart Conditions
Dizziness after sex can be a sign of a heart health issue. People who struggle with obesity, high blood pressure, or have a family history of heart problems have a higher risk of being dizzy after sex, owing to heart conditions. They may also have difficulty breathing, have chest pain, and heart palpitations.
Low Blood Pressure
Sex can cause an extreme rush of emotions that stimulate the vagus nerve that transmits information between the brain and the rest of the body. If this nerve gets overstimulated, it temporarily dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. This condition is medically called vasovagal syncope (VS), and ha symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, shakiness, lightheadedness, dark spots in the eyes, constant heat, and fainting. If a person suffering VS faints, their blood pressure usually returns to normal rapidly, however, recovery may take a while if they don`t faint.
High Blood Pressure
Sex can increase blood pressure if a person engages in intense sex or has sex for an extended period, leaving them breathless. High blood pressure is one of the causes of dizziness. People who suffer dizziness as a result of high blood pressure would notice that it worsens as sex intensifies and slowly lightens as their heart rate returns to normal. You`re advised to visit your doctor periodically for a blood pressure reading, alongside other medical checks.
People suffer a stroke when there is no blood flow to their brain, due to a leaking or blocked or blood vessel. There are only a few cases of a stroke during sex, however, it happens. The risk factors of suffering a stroke during sex are advanced age, underlying heart problems, or a history of stroke.
Pressure Sensitivity
Vigorous sexual activity may cause dizziness, owing to an increase in intrathoracic pressure, which is the same type of pressure caused by straining or pushing during a bowel movement. Uncomfortable sex positions and hard attempts to orgasm are common factors that lead to this.
Orgasm Headache
Some people get dizzy from orgasms, and this can entirely normal, however, some others experience severe headaches and dizziness as a result. This may be a result of a rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Although pre-orgasm or orgasm headaches can affect anyone, males have higher cases of the condition. Pre-orgasm headaches are characterized by a dull pain that occurs during sexual activity and increases as sexual excitement intensifies. An orgasm headache may cause a sudden explosive headache with a severe throbbing that starts just before, or at the moment the one orgasms. This pain usually starts from the back of the head and spreads to both sides of the skull. Some people experience it for a few minutes, while in severe cases, it may last up to 72 hours.
Ongoing and situational anxiety can cause the heart rate to increase sharply and lead to shallow breaths, causing dizziness or hyperventilation. People feel anxious during sex for a number of reasons ranging from having sex for the first time, challenges in their relationship, being in a new relationship, or previous traumatic experience. This anxiety may make them nervous, sweat profusely, and have tense muscles. If you think your symptoms are anxiety-related, then speaking with your partner may be helpful. Get to the root of hee problem and deal with it. If it persists, then speaking with your therapist may be your next option.
How to Prevent Dizziness After Sex
- Take breaks during long sex sessions.
- Eat and drink enough water before sex, or take breaks to do so.
- Don`t stand too quickly during or after sex.
- Don`t stress the legs and other muscles during sex.
- Experiment with different sexual positions to discover those that are less likely to cause dizziness.
- If the dizziness persists, please see your doctor.
Some Dizziness Facts
- The most common causes of dizziness and vertigo are migraine, neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis, psychiatric disorders, cerebrovascular disorders, cerebellar disease, tumors of the posterior fossa, and medications.
- 90 million Americans visit health care providers to complain of dizziness, vertigo, or balance problems.
- Dizziness is the second most common complaint American doctors get.
- 70% of America’s population will experience dizziness at some time in their lives.
About 20% of Americans 65-75 age group suffer a balance disorder. - Less than 10% of patients with balance and vestibular disorders ever consult a specialist such as an otologist, audiologist, otolaryngologist, or neurologist.
- Children also experience dizziness and vertigo, and it prevents them from enjoying their normal childhood athletic activities.
- The most common cause of childhood vertigo is benign paroxysmal vertigo.
Mild to severe head trauma is a major risk factor for dizziness. - There are two million new cases of traumatic brain injury every year.