11 Health Benefits of Ragi


What Is Ragi?

Ragi, also known as finger millet, is a cereal popular in south India and several African countries. It’s known as a weight loss miracle grain. It’s high in calcium and has a lot of fiber. It is said to be the most effective treatment for diabetics. It’s also a popular infant meal in India’s south. Somehow, the once-popular cereal is no longer found in most people’s diets. This is both surprising and sad, given the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of finger millet for the human body. Furthermore, it is an adaptable crop that is well-suited to the climatic conditions of India, making it doubly significant. Let’s have a look at a few of the benefits of finger millet.

11 Health Benefits of Ragi

Contains Lots of Protein

The protein level of the grain is comparable to that of rice. Some ragi cultivars, on the other hand, have showed levels that are twice as high. More importantly, this protein profile is one-of-a-kind. Eleusinin is the primary protein fraction, and it has a high biological value, which means it is easily absorbed by the body. Large levels of tryptophan, cystine, methionine, and total aromatic amino acids are also present. If that sounds confusing, all you need to know is that these nutrients are deemed essential for human health, and that most cereals lack them. Finger millet is an important component in the prevention of malnutrition due to its high protein content. Along with its high methionine level, which accounts for around 5% of the protein, the cereal can be a particularly good source of protein for vegetarians.

Prevents Diabetes

Consumption of ragi on a regular basis can assist to lower your risk of diabetes. This is due to ragi’s high polyphenol and dietary fiber content. When compared to other whole wheat grains, ragi has a lot of fiber. Consuming ragi on a regular basis helps to lower blood sugar levels and keep them stable. Ragi acts as an absorbent, absorbing starch and reducing the digestibility of your body. As a result, most people who eat ragi don’t become hungry very often.

Aids Digestion

Ragi contains dietary fiber, which aids in the easy digestion of food. Ragi promotes the circulation of food in your body, allowing food to flow more smoothly through your intestines and retaining water in your body for waste disposal. As a result, ragi is a highly nutritious grain that aids in the maintenance of excellent health. You can, however, enjoy a variety of ragi meals while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This healthy cereal, which comes in a variety of forms ranging from dosas to ragi balls, will keep you active and healthy all day long.

Mineral-Dense Food

Ragi also has a number of minerals. It is reported that it has 5-30 times the calcium content of other grains. Phosphorus, potassium, and iron are also abundant. Calcium is unquestionably important for maintaining bone density and health. As a result, finger millet would be a better choice to over-the-counter vitamins, particularly for persons who are at risk of osteoporosis or have low hemoglobin levels.

Promotes Hair Health

woman`s hairRagi is abundant in protein and helps to prevent hair loss. It is highly recommended for individuals suffering from hair loss. Hair requires a lot of protein because it is made up of it. Keratin is your hair’s most prevalent protein. Hair loss might be caused by a lack of protein, however ragi can strengthen your hair and minimize hair fall. Ragi is also known to prevent premature greying of the hair. This is mostly due to tissue oxidation, which the antioxidants in ragi will effectively prevent, minimizing the chance of grey hair. Ragi has a high magnesium concentration, which helps to keep hair from falling out.

Prevents Skin Ageing

Ragi is a natural skincare agent as well as an anti-aging cereal. Methionine and Lysine, two vital amino acids found in ragi, protect your skin against rashes, wrinkles, and dullness. Ragi contains antioxidants that assist your body battle stress and counteract the signs of aging. It rejuvenates skin cells, making you look younger and healthier. Vitamin E is also found in ragi and is good for the skin. For wounds on the body, vitamin E is a natural healer. This helps with skin lubrication and the creation of a protective barrier, allowing your skin to thrive.

Weight Loss

Ragi is a natural weight loss agent because it has a lot of fiber, which keeps your stomach full and prevents you from being hungry. Weight loss is aided by this. It reduces blood sugar levels and turns it to insulin in the body. The best time to eat ragi is first thing in the morning. Ragi includes a form of amino acid known as tryptophan, which aids in weight loss. Tryptophan suppresses your appetite, so you don’t get hungry as frequently.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Antioxidants, which have become a buzzword in today’s health books, are abundant in finger millet. Antioxidants protect cells from excessive oxidation, which can lead to cancer and premature aging due to cell damage. The phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tannins found in finger millet seed coatings are powerful antioxidants. In general, people who eat millet-based diets have less cases of esophageal cancer than those who eat wheat or maize-based diets.

Helps Lactating Mothers

babyLactating women should eat green ragi because it raises hemoglobin levels, which enhances the production of mothers’ milk. This was also known as increased lactation levels. Green ragi should be included in a lactating mother’s daily diet to boost amino acids, breast milk, calcium, and iron, all of which are important for both the mother and the child.

Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Finger millet appears to have the ability to lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to new research. In terms of chemistry, finger millet lowers serum triglyceride levels and prevents lipid oxidation and LDL cholesterol oxidation. LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol is the “bad” kind, and it’s especially dangerous when it’s oxidized. Oxidized LDL causes artery inflammation, which can lead to arteriosclerosis and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Keeps the Body Relaxed

Ragi has the unique property of acting as a natural relaxant for your body. If you are dealing with anxiety, insomnia, and depression, you can benefit from the use of ragi. It aids in the alleviation of all of these anxiety issues while also keeping you calm throughout the day. It does assist in clearing your mind and maintaining your calm. On a hot summer day, ragi literally serves as a cooling agent for your body.

Risk Factors of Ragi

Excessive eating of ragi can become unhealthy, that is why it should be used in moderation so that your reliance on it does not dictate your eating habits. Excessive ragi eating may cause the body to produce more oxalic acid. This is not advisable for persons who have kidney stones. Ragi is high in vitamins and minerals that help your body fight illness and function regularly. As a result, to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, you should include this cereal in your normal diet.

Interesting Facts About Ragi

  • Karnataka produces the most ragi in India, accounting for 58 percent of the country’s total output.
  • The crop was possibly introduced to India 4000 years ago,
  • Finger millet is an African grain that has been farmed in Uganda and Ethiopia for thousands of years.
  • When it comes to weight loss, it’s known as the “natural miracle grain.”
  • Unlike other cereals, this one does not require polishing, making it healthier to eat.
  • Even on hot summer days, ragi will keep your body cool.