10 Amazing Health Benefits of Salmon

healthy meal

Facts About Eating Salmon

According to research, salmon is one of the most nutritious foods in the world. It is packed with a healthy kind of fat that boosts its nutritional profile. This healthy fat is omega 3 fatty acid. Omega 3 fatty acids contain healthy nutrients that can reduce the symptoms of certain diseases as well as prevent them. Asides from its high nutritional profile, salmon is tasty and delicious, widely available, and fits into almost all diets.

Health Benefits of Eating Salmon

The following are the impressive health benefits of salmon;

High Omega 3 Fatty Acids Content

Of all the sources of omega 3 fatty acids, salmon is the richest of all, with the highest content of omega 3 fatty acids.  Compared to other fats, omega 3 fatty acids are considered an essential and healthy fat that your body cannot generate on its own and thus has to be gotten through diets. One of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids is salmon. Studies have not shown if there is any specific required daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids. However, many dieticians and health professionals advise that adults should get a minimum of 200 to 500 mg of omega 3 fatty acids regularly.

Omega 3 fatty7 acids are known for reducing inflammation and its symptoms, reducing blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, reducing cancer risks, and enhancing the cells that make up the arteries.

Studies found that taking at least 0.6 g of omega 3 fatty acids every day would improve your heart and artery function.

Both omega 3 gotten from fatty fishes and fish oil supplements are effective in improving your general health. For a healthy natural source, eat at least 2 servings of salmon per week in order to meet your omega 3 fatty acids needs.

The Best Source of Protein

Fishes are rich sources of protein, and salmon is not an exception. As much as omega 3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient that has to be gotten from diets, so also is protein.

Protein has been associated with a number of benefits, including helping in the healing process of wounds, protecting bone health, protecting muscle mass, especially when you are trying to lose weight and when you grow older.

To get the best out of protein, consume meals that can provide you with at least 20 to 30 g of protein.

Packed with B Vitamins

Salmon is a rich source of B vitamins. In each 100 g of salmon, the following B vitamins are contained in the following proportion;

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin); 15% of the required value intake
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin); 20% of the required value intake
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin); 50% of the required value intake
  • Vitamin B5 pantothenic acid); 19% of the required value intake
  • Vitamin B6 40% of the required value intake
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid); 5% of the required value intake
  • Vitamin B12; 51% of the required value intake

All these vitamins play different unique roles in the body, which includes the conversion of the food you consume into energy for action. They are also involved in the repairing and creation of DNA and also in the reduction and inflammation that can put you at the risk of developing inflammation and inflammation symptoms that can lead to heart disease.

According to research, all these B vitamins work interdependently to ensure the optimal development, enhancement, and functioning of your organs, including your brain and nervous system. However, it is quite unfortunate that people get easily deficient in these B vitamins. In order to meet your demanded daily intake value of B vitamins, it is best to add vitamin B-rich sources of foods to your diet.

High in Potassium

Salmon has high potassium contents. It provides about 18 to 20% of the required daily intake value of potassium. Studies showed that compared to bananas, salmon contain more potassium content. Bananas contain about 10% of the required daily intake value of potassium.

Potassium has been linked to the regulation and control of blood pressure; it also beats down to the barest minimum the risks of stroke. Research also proved that supplementing meals with potassium capsules or supplements can also help reduce blood pressure, especially when it is used after a high sodium diet.

Prevention of water retention is one of the ways through which potassium reduces, regulates, and controls blood pressure.

People who consumed fewer potassium diets experienced a higher rate of water retention and increased blood pressure simultaneously in people who are healthy and had no previous medical history of high blood pressure.

Packed with Selenium

The body needs tiny amounts of selenium, and salmon provides just the appropriate amount of selenium the body needs to function properly. Selenium is a mineral found in tiny amounts in both foods and in the soil. Supplying your body with enough selenium is important as not getting it at all or not getting enough of it could be dangerous to your health.

Selenium has been linked to the protection of bone health, reduces hypothyroidism risks, and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Benefits of Brazil NutsOne of the best ways to get selenium is by consuming selenium-rich foods, of which seafood like salmon are the best sources of selenium. To make the most out of selenium, take at least two servings of salmon every week.

Rich in Antioxidants

Salmon is packed with high antioxidant contents that help-s in the prevention of varieties of health conditions as well as the improvement of symptoms. Salmon contains an antioxidant known as astaxanthin which helps in the reduction of heart disease cases. It also ensures the reduction in the oxidation of unhealthy fat and increases the levels of good cholesterol.

Astaxanthin works hand in hand with omega 3 fatty acids in ensuring the protection of the nervous system and brain from inflammation. In addition, this salmon antioxidant helps in the repair of damaged skin and could make you look younger than your age.

Reduces Heart Disease Risks

Protecting the heart is one of the most important tasks anyone should engage in, and eating salmon is one of the largest ways to protect the heart against heart diseases. This is as a result of its rich contents 0of omega 3 fatty acids. Reduction of triglycerides levels is also a component of salmon’s nutritional profile.

Maintains and Controls Body Weight

One of the most secure methods of losing weight is by adding foods like salmon to your diet. It helps in the regulation of hormones that control and monitor your appetite and gives you this feeling of satisfaction, just like every other protein-rich food.

Salmon’s ability to control and regulate your weight is a result of its omega 3 fatty acids content, and according to research, it also helps in the elimination of belly fat in people who are obese and overweight.

In addition, studies have shown reasonable and positive results in the reduction of liver fat, which creates a higher risk of you developing fatty liver diseases. It also contains low contents of calories, which makes it a healthy and appropriate addition to your weight loss diet.

Combats Inflammation

Salmon is packed with nutrients and compounds that help in combating inflammation. Inflammation, according to many medical types of research, is a symptom, pointer, and cause of many illnesses like heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes.

Studies found that eating salmon can reduce a considerable amount of inflammation marker in people who have risks of developing certain chronic illnesses.

Can Protect the Brain Health

the use of the brainNutritional contents and compounds in salmon can be effective in the protection of organs in the body, especially the brain and heart health.  In addition, salmon contents have also been found to reduce depressive symptoms, as well as anxiety and age-related illness symptoms. Studies found that people who consumed salmon regularly have about 40% higher chances of having healthier organs like the brain and heart compared to people who do not consume salmon. According to research, this can as well reduce their risks of developing age-related memory loss or dementia.

In conclusion, salmon is a seafood that is highly nutritional and provides various health benefits. Consuming two servings of salmon at least twice every week can help provide you with all the health benefits and nutrients your body needs. Asides from these, salmon is highly delicious, tasty, and can conveniently fit into any diet.