Understanding Tresiba; Its Importance and Side Effects

What is Tresiba? Tresiba is a diabetes medication. It is one of the drugs the doctor would prescribe for you if you have diabetes. It...
Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

What is Hyperthyroidism? Hyperthyroidism or over-operational thyroid gland is a condition whereby the thyroid gland produces hormones in excessive amounts. The thyroid gland is accountable...

Unbelievable Benefits of Asparagus

How Healthy Is It? Asparagus, scientifically known as Asparagus Officinalis, belongs to the lily family. This popular vegetable exists in different colors, ranging from green to...

10 Best Weight loss Foods in The World To Try Out

Foods to Add to Your Weight loss Diet There are different kinds of calories, each with its unique way of passing through metabolic processes in...


19 Health Benefits of Parsley

Why You Should Not Ignore Parsley Parsley is a vegetable that is very common among people living in western Nigeria. In the Yoruba language, it...
A picture of apples and some apple cider vinegar

Benefits and Side Effects of Apple Juice

Is Apple Juice Nutritious? Apple juice is one of the fruit drinks with loads of health benefits. It's versatile and packed with numerous plant compounds...
myrrh essential oil

A Guide to the Health Benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrrh essential oil is extracted from resin. Traditionally, in ancient Egypt, the resin was commonly used in incense and perfumes, while the oil derived...
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geranium oil

Geranium Oil: Your New Favorite Essential Oil

Geranium, also known as Cranesbill, is a plant with small beautiful flowers that offer a wide range of health benefits. The roots of cranesbill...
6 Health Benefits of Clove Oil

6 Health Benefits of Clove Oil

Why You Should Have Clove Oil in Your Home To begin with, what is clove? Clove is a tree that used to be common in...
extra virgin coconut oil

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

What is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil? In this article, I`ll be letting you in on the wonders of extra natural coconut oil. Really, the "extra"...
Facts and Health Benefits of Olives

Facts and Health Benefits of Olives

Facts about Olives Olives are the fruit from the olive tree, also known as the Olea Europaea, which translates as "European olive." In addition to...
A woman who suffers a cold

Tips On How to Get Relieved of a Stuffy Nose

Nasal congestion is a typical cold or allergy symptom. There are numerous methods for alleviating the discomfort that a stuffy nose can cause. When the...
essential oil

CBD Oil: Benefits and Side Effects

What is CBD Oil? CBD oil is known as cannabidiol oil, and it is one of the over 100 natural cannabinoids present in the cannabis...
Essential Oils for Menopausal Symptoms

Essential Oils for Menopausal Symptoms

How Do Essential Oils Affect Menopausal Symptoms? According to research, women who stay for up to 12 whole months without seeing their periods have fully...
menstrual pain

Natural Methods for Treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

See How You Can Treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome at Home Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a health condition known to be an endocrine condition. It is...

10 Essential Oils that Combat Ageing

Are there Essential Oils for Anti-Ageing? Ageing comes inevitably with time, and there will be a time that your skin will surely give you clear...
Facts and Health Benefits of Olives

Facts and Health Benefits of Olives

Facts about Olives Olives are the fruit from the olive tree, also known as the Olea Europaea, which translates as "European olive." In addition to...


keto diet

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Dietary Management

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a dangerous diabetic complication that happens when your body creates abnormal amounts...
Lady's finger

Health Benefits of Okra

Amazing Facts About Okra Okra is a green flowering plant found in almost every part of...
bowl of noodles

Mistakes to Evade on a Vegan Diet – Part 2

Mistakes to Evade on a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet - Part 2 There are a variety...

12 Incredible Health Benefits of Crayfish

You Need Crayfish in Your Diet Besides being a vegetarian, a good portion of your diet...

Paleo Diet Versus Keto Diets

Comparison Between Keto and Paleo Diets Keto and paleo diets ate popular diets that you can...


7 Health Benefits of the Baheda

7 Health Benefits of the Baheda Herb

What is Baheda Herb? The Baheda herb is one of the most common herbs in India....

Why you Should Add Psyllium Husk to your Diet

Psyllium husk is a herb that is most commonly cultivated in India. It is a...

Let’s Talk About Weed

Surprising Facts About Weed If you are a garden keeper or lover of gardens, weeds are...
maitake mushroom

Maitake Mushrooms: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Maitake (Grifola frondrosa), also known as "hen of the woods,” is a medicinal mushroom commonly...

10 Easy Ways to Make yourself Throw up 

How to Make yourself Throw up  Throwing up can be unpleasant, and nobody desires to experience...


hormonal acne

Could Probiotics Cure Your Hormonal Acne? We Say “Yup!”

Being an adult can be hard, especially when it concerns our skin. Almost all of...
14 Home Remedies to Ease Sour Stomach

Is Dairy Good for Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux and Dairy Acid reflux can occur in different people and occurs mostly after the...

Probiotics: How To Feel Less Constipated Right Now

There are few feelings less fun than being bloated and puffy for no apparent reason. Are you...

8 Tips for Keeping your Lady Parts Healthy

Every woman should be interested in her vaginal health, but the question most women ask...

8 Natural Laxatives for Easy Bowel Movement

What are Laxatives? | Best Home Remedies for Bowel Upset Laxatives are substances that impact digestive...



5 Signs You Are Vitamin Deficient

Look Out for These Signs and Symptoms The best you can ever offer your body is...

Eczema: How to Get Rid of it With Biotin

Those who suffer from eczema or know someone who does, would know it’s not a...

7 Benefits of Biotin that are Too Good to Ignore

In reality, most of us don’t eat what we should, thus making the consumption of...

Biotin and Other Free Tips for Treating Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disease that appears on the skin. Its cause is...

Biotin Supplements: The Good News About Beard Growth

Yes, you’re probably that guy who wants his beard full and strong— we want that...
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Strawberry in a bowl

12 High-Fiber Foods You Should Eat

The Importance of Fiber There is no doubt that fiber is extremely important. When fiber gets into your stomach, it leaves it in an undigested form...



Health Risks of Vitamin A Deficiency and Toxicity

Importance of Vitamin A Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble nutrient that the body requires to function properly. It plays a rather vital role in...


Vitamin D

Vitamin D: Providing All The Sunshine You Need

It’s pretty much a fact of contemporary life: Like most working Americans, you most likely...

9 Collagen-Rich Foods for the Skin

Add These Foods To Your Diet for an Amazing Skin Collagen is a skin protein that...

Vitamin D3: The Acne Fighter You Should Know About

Whether you use cleansers, toners, or moisturizers as part of your daily skin care regime,...

Progeria: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, And Treatment

What Is Progeria? Progeria is a very rare genetic disease among young children that let them...
aloe vera

10 Nutrients Gotten from Plant-Based Foods

Nutrients Not Gotten from Animal-Based Foods There are many differences between animal-based foods and plant-based foods....
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goat's rue

Ever Heard of the Incredible Health Benefits of Goat’s Rue?

Goat’s rue (Galega officinalis) is used in traditional medicine to treat a host of health conditions. It is a flowering plant that possesses amazing...

Weight Loss The Right Way

6 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight I have had my fair share of frustrating weigh-ins on the scale. It almost makes you want to...
aloe vera

6 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Oil

Is Aloe Vera Oil Beneficial? You are probably familiar with the aloe vera plant and its various cosmetic and skin-pampering properties. It has become an...

Here’s How to Lower Your Medical Bills

According to a recent study, about 64 percent of Americans want to lower their medical bills, and rightly so too because medical bills can...

Bronchitis: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

What Is Bronchitis? Bronchitis is the swelling and inflammation of the bronchial tubes which are the air passages that link the nose and mouth with...

Sleep Deprivation and Its Accompanying Evils

The ability to sleep is one of the most natural and effortless things to do, but sadly, more people in the world sleep less...
angelica herb

Ever Heard of Angelica Herb?

Now, this seems like a pretty fun way to start off the month! I went visiting a friend's place just yesterday. She just got...

Vitamin D and Diabetes: What’s the Deal?

Vitamin D, this micronutrient also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is essential for bone health but may soon be regarded as an important marker...

6 Tips For Lowering Uric Acid Naturally

What Is Uric Acid? Uric acid is a chemical produced during the digestion of foods containing a substance known as purine. In other words, it...

Vitamin D3: Boosting Men’s Testosterone Levels, Plus Other Cool Benefits

It’s about time we found out how to maintain optimum health. In fact, it has always struck me as somewhat unfair that many do...
Sea snail

Ever Heard of the Amazing Benefits of Abalone?

Facts About Abalone Abalone is among the sea animals that have many benefits for health. Abalone is a kind of large snail that resides in...
food recipes

Food Recipes For Weight Loss

Weight Reduction Food recipes Weight reduction is not a quick or straightforward process, but a variety of essential dietary strategies are helpful. Start with other...
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